World's worst oil spills

The Gulf Oil Spill Isn't the Biggest, but It'll Be the Costliest. The BP Gulf oil spill is the worst ever when you combine its size and location. While it may not be the biggest, as you can see from the graphic, it certainly will be one of the most economically damaging and costly, simply because it occurred in some of America's most productive waters.

Oil Spill Timeline

April 20, 2010, chaos struck on the Gulf of Mexico as a BP oil rig began to leak millions of gallons of oil into the Ocean; destroying sea life, birds and many local’s livelihood, as well as being declared as a National disaster by Barrack Obama – and now having a severe effect the price of oil throughout the world. We take a look at just what happened since that day, and how BP managed to cap the potential world crisis.

A Short History on Hacking

Hacking has been around as long as computers as a way to reconfigure or reprogram a system to give access to someone who otherwise shouldn’t have that access. In the media, any electronic manipulation is often referred to as hacking, though “cracking” may often be more appropriate. Thanks to hacking, computer geeks can be “cool and dangerous”.