Oil Dependency

A year ago, a massive oil spill began in the Gulf. The entire country was glued to the news until the well was capped, and then we forgot about it. This short animation made by Chris Harmon shows How much oil was that exactly? Where would it have gone? How dependent we truly are on oil?.

Designed, animated and written by Chris Harmon
Voice Talent: Kim Estes
Music: Billy Perez & Todd Stambaugh

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London Tower Bridge

London's Tower Bridge is not only a major tourist attraction but also an exceptional achievement of engineering and architecture.

In 2011, GE set out to design an innovative lighting system to illuminate the towers and accentuate the bridge's metal framework — while simultaneously increasing energy efficiency.

A mix of modern and traditional, this infographic from JESS3 highlights GE's work and provides contextual information about the bridge's storied history.

Original Link: visualization.geblogs.com
Designed by: JESS3

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Nuclear Reactors

Voice of America has complied a database of every public record on nuclear facilities from the International Atomic Energy Agency and created a Google Map of the results.

When you zoom in on the map, details of the nuclear facilities are shown in the map sidebar. Voice of America also use the Google Chart API to display histograms of plants built or shut down in any given year, year-by-year power output records from every single facility worldwide and maps showing the power output and number of plants in each country.

via VOANew
(Click above link to see live action)

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The Future of Solar

This colorful infographic helps detail the complex story of solar power and provides additional context for GE’s (General Electric Company) latest product in solar technology, the most efficient thin film solar panel created to date. Designed by JESS3

via visualization.geblogs.com

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"Create your own interactive map - Get started now - ChartsBin.com"

How Much CO2 Is Created By…

Every action, every event, every person, everything emits a certain amount of carbon. This interactive visualization made by David McCandless teamed up with GE examines some of those scenarios. Play around to learn some interesting and surprising information about how much Carbon dioxide is released during various activities.

via visualization.geblogs.com

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Energy & Dynamic Braking

Energy: you can't destroy it, but you can certainly waste it. That's what most motorized vehicles do, including trains. Usually, the energy generated when you stop a moving vehicle is dissipated as heat, and is lost to the atmosphere. With GE's ecomagination we've discovered that you can capture and store that energy, then reuse it - that's how our hybrid systems work.

Watch the above video to see a simple illustration of the physics behind dynamic braking. Keep in mind an object's force is measured in newtons, using the equation force = Mass x Acceleration.

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