3-Way Street

Bike lanes in New York City exposed a clash of long-standing bad habits: such as pedestrians jaywalking, cyclists running red lights, and motorists plowing through crosswalks. This video aims to show our interconnection and shared role in improving the safety and usability of our streets.

via blog.ronconcocacola.com and infosthetics.com

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Truth About Sun, Sunscreen, and Skin Cancer

Where did this summer go? Seriously. Even as we near the dog days of August, some of us still look pasty white -- on purpose. Yeah, we know a tan's a great accessory to a sundress, but cancer? We're not really into that. That's why we're serious about how we protect ourselves.

So check out these tips, spread on the sunblock, and enjoy that margarita guilt-free.

via www.lemondrop.com