What a Hundred Million Calls to 311 Reveal About New York

The 3-1-1 non-emergency telephone number in many communities in the United States that provides quick, easy-to-remember access to non-emergency municipal services or a Citizen Service Center. Dialing this number allows city residents (only in certain cities) to obtain important non-emergency services through a central, all-purpose phone number quickly and effectively.

As useful as 311 is to ordinary New Yorkers, the most intriguing thing about the service is all the information it supplies back to the city. Each complaint is logged, tagged, and mapped to make it available for subsequent analysis. In some cases, 311 simply helps New York respond more intelligently to needs that were obvious to begin with. Holidays, for example, spark reliable surges in call volume, with questions about government closings and parking regulations. On snow days, call volume spikes precipitously, which 311 anticipates with recorded messages about school closings and parking rules.

There were 34,522 complaints called in to 311 between September 8 and September 15, 2010. Here are the most common, plotted by time of day.

Illustration: Pitch Interactive
via www.wired.com

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$1.75 Million of Awesome Pepsi Refresh Grants at Work in New York

The Empire State really is something. The communities in New York have been doing remarkable things through the Pepsi Refresh Project, from major school improvements to veterans' support, and everything in between. Here’s a look at some the amazing things New Yorkers have done to make their wold a better place.

via awesome.good.is

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The New Gangs of New York

The current criminal underworld is characterized not by the Mafia dons and heroin kings of yesteryear but by a chaotic universe of warring, decentralized ganglets. And the members are less likely to be battle-hardened parolees than “puppies,” adolescent gangbangers who are too young to have a driver’s license but who are committing violent crimes at alarming levels. “A few years ago, you would see kids 19, 20 years old,” says one NYPD veteran who works the gang beat in Harlem. “Now these kids are babies—15, 14—and they are vicious. They will shoot you in a heartbeat and not think twice about it.”

via nymag.com

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Big Apple Ed

Big Apple Ed is your comprehensive guide to NYC schools web application created in Ruby on Rails by Balance Coop and J. Soma. The aim is simple, to provide parents, teachers, students, and all other interested parties with an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand guide to the vast amounts of information available about New York City public schools.

via www.behance.net

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