A Guide to the Open Internet

This very long infographic explains what is Net neutrality and why we can't let this happen?

Network neutrality is the idea that your cellular, cable, or phone internet connection should treat all websites and services the same. Big companies like AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast want to treat them differently so they can charge you more depending on what you use.

via theopeninter.net

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Packet Flight: User vs Youtube

This is a visualization of the network packets of a YouTube video, slowed down 12 times. You can clearly see the handshake, some odd client/server negotiation, and the full ramp-up.

Created using Packet Flight: github.com/aristus/packet-flight

Each flying circle represents a network packet. The small green ones are control packets: ACK, SYN, etc. The larger blue ones are data packets.

The data is from a real tcpdump of the first 4 seconds of Rick Astley's music video.


via http://gephi.org/

Gephi is an open-source software for graph and network analysis. It uses a 3D render engine to display large graphs in real-time and to speed up the exploration. Gephi combines built-in functionalities and flexible architecture to:

  • explore
  • analyze
  • spatialize
  • filter
  • cluterize
  • manipulate

export all types of networks.

Gephi is based on a visualize-and-manipulate paradigm which allow any user to discover networks and data properties. Moreover, it is designed to follow the chain of a case study, from data file to nice printable maps. Gephi is a free/libre software distributed under the GPL 3 ("GNU General Public License"). Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Gephi is open-source and free.

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