Which country has the best brains?

Over the past week, the Nobel prizes have been awarded in chemistry, medicine, peace, physics and literature.

Over the intervening 109 years, more than 500 prizes have been awarded. But which nation can claim the most winners? BBC have trawled throught the archives to produce a definitive list of the nations with the biggest brains.

via www.bbc.co.uk

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Digital Life

Utilising cutting edge techniques and taking advantage of market-leading expertise, Digital Life offers both a lens on the digital world and the frameworks required to make actionable business decisions within it. It can be used to drive global strategies or inform local tactics.

The interactive data dashboard allows users to compare pairs of countries with each other, in attributes such as Internet penetration, digital lifestyles and daily activities, etc.

via discoverdigitallife.com
(Click above link to see an interactive application)

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Chrome rapidly catching up to Firefox

Google’s Chrome web browser has only been around for two years, but with an almost frantic pace of development it’s already gone through more iterations in that brief time than many other software products do in a decade. Chrome is now up to version 6, and has a rapidly increasing share of the web browser market. It’s now in third place after Firefox and Internet Explorer.

via royal.pingdom.com

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Big Apple Ed

Big Apple Ed is your comprehensive guide to NYC schools web application created in Ruby on Rails by Balance Coop and J. Soma. The aim is simple, to provide parents, teachers, students, and all other interested parties with an easy-to-use, easy-to-understand guide to the vast amounts of information available about New York City public schools.

via www.behance.net

Published on Power of Data Visualization. Note: If you read this via Email or Feed-reader click Permalink below to download bigger image.

American Movie vs Tech Industry

Hollywood and Silicon Valley (spiritual home of the US film and tech industries, respectively) have long been an influence on one another. Sci-fi films like Star Wars and Back to the Future have provided the inspiration for scientists who are now developing warp drives and self-tying shoelaces. And the tech industries has made many 'unfilmable' concepts - like Avatar, which James Cameron first dreamed up in 1994 - not only possible, but hugely popular

These two industries clearly make good bedfellows, but are they truly equals? Well, let's start by looking at some numbers...

via www.locatetv.com

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